Kusam Etectricat tectustees Ltd vias a pact of the MECO group estabtished ke the yeas 1962. in the 30's, use of Digital Test & Measuring Instrument were in a nascent stage. At that time 90 % of the Muitimeter & Clampmeter used in the industry were Analog meters. Realising the potential of Digital Instruments in India a separate company of Kusarn Electrical industries Ltd. was established for marketing Digital Instruments in 1983 "KUSAM ELECTRICAL" introduced & pioneered the use of Digital Multimeters & Clampmeters in Indian Industries. Since then there has been no looking back and we have been introducing new models with more features to suit the diverse needs of customers.
Product Name | Technical Details | ITC HS Codes | Certification/ Standard | Issuing Agency | Date of Issue | Date of Expiry | End Use Sectors | Product Images |
Digital Multimeter KM 859CF | 90303100 | UL | --- | 01-07-2017 | 01-07-2025 | Railway | 1 |