MEDICO ELECTRODES INTERNATIONAL LTD is one of the leading manufacturers (Perhaps world 3rd biggest) of Disposable ECG Electrodes for all cardiac monitoring and diagnostic procedures. We have a very strong presence in more than 35 countries worldwide. The Company specializes in supplying products in their standard Medico Brand & also in private labelling / OEM Brands. The ability to supply consistently high quality electrodes at competitive prices makes the company a “preferred OEM supplier” to several reputed International Brands. MEDICO has been accredited with ISO 13485 and US FDA Registration. All our products have CE mark and they meet or exceed ANSI / AAMI EC12:2000 standards on Disposable ECG Electrodes With a constant endeavour to grow in 2015, the company acquired 100% shares in Ambu White Sensors Ltd., a UK based manufacturer of Tab Electrodes, Electrosurgical Plates and Hydrogel from Ambu A/s, with their head-office in Denmark. The Acquisition consisted of two manufacturing plants in Warwick, UK, thus providing a multi-national base to the company.